Sunday Post: Book Pre-order Campaigns & Giveaways Galore – 6/12/22

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on my blog and share news about what’s coming up in the week ahead.

This past week on FYFA (and in my life):

As predicted, I missed last week’s Sunday Post because…

  • Disney and the Special Olympics USA Games! Noah’s team did great at the USA Games! They got silver in their division. Most of the games were nail-biters (except one that they won pretty handily), so they were really fun to watch too. The whole event was pretty amazing, actually, and it was wonderful to be a part of! And, extra bonus, we got to enjoy all four Disney parks and one of the water parks. We had a ton of fun! The new Guardians of the Galaxy ride at Epcot was pretty epic, and so was Avatar at Animal Kingdom, but I think my absolute favorite experience was Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. The whole thing was incredible, including all of the build-up to the actual ride (SO much worldbuilding!).
  • COVID. And… we returned from Disney with two cases of COVID. Both Noah and Danielle tested positive when we got home (despite the fact that we tried to mask up whenever we were in close quarters, especially indoor lines or transportation). So far, my mom and I are both negative. Noah’s feeling fine, but Danielle’s feeling pretty junky. Hopefully she recovers soon and the rest of us don’t get it.
  • What I Read
    • I’ve read The Last Fallen Moon by Graci Kim. (Check out my review and giveaway!) And then I started reading Ballad & Dagger by Daniel José Older.
    • I finished listening to Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. Then I listened to Here and Now and Then by Mike Chen and started listening to Light Years from Home by Mike Chen. (I’ve discovered that Mike Chen books are great for listening to while running – yes, I haven’t given up on the marathon.)
  • What I Watched:
    • We’re still watching season 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and season 3 of Angel!

Here’s what you may have missed on the blog since my last Sunday Post:

Book Blogger Birthdays and Blogoversaries:

Happy birthday graphicHappy blogoversary graphic

Here are the birthdays and blogoversaries for this week! I hope you’ll go wish these bloggers well on their special days! Make sure you check out the calendar to see what you might have just missed or what’s coming up. (If you want to be added to the calendar, it’s easy! Just fill out the birthday/blogoversary form.

I’m skipping the other sections of my Sunday Post this week. I just wanted to get a quick update out there! I’ll be back next week for a full Sunday Post!

Lots of good stuff! Have any giveaways or great discussions happening on your site right now? Feel free to share them in the comments!

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