LETTER: COVID reminder carries contradictions

In your Dec. 23 issue you present an editorial reminding us that we may not feel comfortable being around friends and family, and that we may be concerned about spreading COVID to vulnerable family members. You conclude the editorial with a message about how we should keep ourselves safe so that we may come together again in the future.

The same issue of the Peninsula News Review carries several articles showing how badly people have behaved in the preceding week in terms of enhancing the spread of the virus. A letter in the same issue, just a few inches from your guidance on how to be careful about others, observes: “… I couldn’t believe how many fans were in the stands, cheering loudly for their home team and absolutely roaring when their team made a three-pointer.” That was an indoor basketball game with a crowd of strangers, many of whom may have been infected with COVID, crammed together.

A few pages later an article rejoices in the victories of the Peninsula Panthers hockey team, as they cruised to five straight victories against some of the toughest teams in the Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League. After rejoicing in his team’s victories, manager Pete Zubersky went on to say: “If we can keep the momentum going, we are going to be a load in the final 17 games”

What is wrong with this picture? What is an editor to do?

At the very least, you might have observed and commented on the internal contradictions in your Dec. 23 editorial page. Better would be to follow an editorial policy that informs and warns readers about things that are happening and about to happen – things which threaten the health and safety of readers. Properly forewarned, they may, indeed, be able to avoid threats so that they may “come together again in the future.”

Jim Kingham

North Saanich

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