We had a WEEK!
She is my style icon.
The happiest boy!
Monday was amazing. I got to be a part of Elin Hilderbrand’s signing here in Pittsburgh and it was just perfect! We did this once before together but it was over zoom. You may remember that I developed recipes for her book in 2017. The conversation was so great!
Right as I was walking out the door, my little adventurous baby girl walked into a hockey stick.
I was so worked up since I had to leave her right away to go to the event. I was so worried driving to the event. And then, when I got to the event, Eddie texted me that Max caught a baseball at his face during his game and needed stitches. I just about died.
My baby’s perfect face!! I’ve never had stitches before and honestly it was maybe better that I wasn’t there? The ball went into his glove with hit his sunglasses, which sliced his face. He was such a trooper. I still can’t believe it. :(
He got the game ball though – it was his last game – and was in pretty good spirits when I got home. I don’t even know how I managed to do the conversation that night. These are just two crazy things that happened in the last few weeks where both sides of our family has been hit with a lot of health issues. When it rains it pours.
Needless to say, we did mostly indoor activities since Max couldn’t swim or anything!
My kids love to paint and do allll kinds of art.
Lots of snuggles!
We ate lots of pesto. Still have our Jordan birthday party photo decorations up from two weeks ago. Ha.
I found this on my phone. No idea when it was taken.
Then this weekend, we had our school’s picnic at an amusement park.
Stitches out and on the mend.
It was hot but fun!
Emilia looooves being outside.
Hot enough for water bounce house!
Lots of snacks for saturday night. Pulled pork nachos with peach pico.
Some deeeelish mexican street corn.
Our favorite shishitos.
A little margarita after that week!
Christmas PJs in June. Emilia loves when he has his pink on!
We went to see the new Jurassic World!
It was so, so good. The mix of the new and old casts was awesome and the kids love it. Max probably started watching the Jurassic Park movies two or so years ago… Emilia watched by default since she was here. She may love them more than him.
Grateful for the start of a new week!
The post A Week In The Life, Vol 26. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.