20 Father’s Day Gift Ideas from Mitch

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Mitch here!

Father’s Day is this weekend, people! I poured my heart and soul into this roundup—jokes, jokes—in case you’re in need of a last-minute gift. And if you’d like a longer list, please head over to our Amazon Shop where I’ve accumulated over 50 unique gift ideas that will all ship in time. Amazon is actually featuring it on their homepage from now until the big day!

Okay, on to the guide:

Giant Cooler: Of the few things your dad likes, a properly chilled beverage is sure to be near the top of the list. Coolers are totally sweet nowadays in that they can keep things cold for a like a week. And most of these newer coolers fall firmly into the affordable category… especially if you’re splitting the cost with your siblings. My favorites are from Yeti, Ozark Trail, Orca, and RTIC.

Dash Cam: If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time watching videos of idiots in cars online. None of those videos would exist without dash cams and it’s probably time for your dad to start recording idiots in cars now, too. Internet stardom awaits!

Message Gun: As a dad, I can report that most of my job is picking up heavy stuff, carrying it around, and putting it down. This could be furniture, lawn equipment, children, whatever. And, frankly, my back hurts. This $50 massage gun awaits me every night and I love it. Best thing I’ve bought all year.

Smoker: Smoking meat is a pastime of all dads since the hunter/gatherer days. It gives them an opportunity to stand around outside for hours acting like they’re doing something while thinking about eating meat. The best in the business are these Traeger pellet smokers, though you can just as easily give him an electric smoker or even one of these smoking gun devices which look like fun.

Next Gen Game Console: Don’t overthink this. The dad on your shopping list wants a new gaming system even if he hasn’t vocalized it yet. And though supplies of the new Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 consoles are extremely limited (due to every single dad in the world wanting one), you can easily find the Xbox Series S or Nintendo Switch which are equally as fun and less than half the price.

Four Roses Bourbon: There are some ridiculously good gifts in this guide (if I do say so myself), but at the end of the day, I bet your dad would like an ice cold glass of bourbon better than anything else. My favorite is Four Roses which you can find everywhere. Bonus points if you service it up with a proper ice cube to keep it from getting watered down.

Vineyard Vines Shep Shirt: Is a dad even a dad without a Shep Shirt?

AirTag or AirPods: If you’re totally out of ideas, there’s always AirTags or AirPods. I mean, it is a great gift that he will literally use every day. You can buy AirPods in packs of four if you need to fill your gifting budget quota. Oh, and I prefer the AirPods instead of the AirPods Pro. They’re a better value and longer lasting in my experience. Just putting that out there.

Espresso Machine: I have a confession to make. I drink like 6 shots of espresso every day. It’s so great. If your dad is in need of a boost, consider this! And you don’t need an expensive machine to pull it off. You can make espresso on the stovetop with a Moka Pot, or pull espresso shots with an Aeropress. If he’s feeling lazy, he can make Nespresso pods with a machine like this, or you could get him a proper espresso machine like this one. So many options!

Meta Quest 2: If your dad is like my dad, he loves playing with toys. And the Quest 2 is probably the coolest toy ever invented. It’s a straight up virtual reality headset that actually exists and actually works, and Kelly, if you’re reading this, I want one of these so bad.

Home Brewing Kit: If your dad drinks enough beer that buying it at the store isn’t fun anymore, why not encourage him to brew his own? Worst case scenario he has some lackluster beer to drink, best case scenario he finds a new hobby. Win win!

How to Cook Everything: Your dad likely isn’t reading this post, so let’s just agree that he could use a little help in the kitchen. This is my favorite cookbook of all time. It has recipes for EVERYTHING. For example, it has a cracker recipe. Crackers! Which I’ve made. And were delicious. Anyway, it’s a great gift.

Audible Subscription: And if your dad isn’t as much of a reader, but more of a listener, might I suggest a yearlong subscription to Audible? He’ll get 12 credits to spend on whatever books he wants throughout the year. I spend at least an hour per day on Audible and it’s an hour I cherish.

Solo Stove: Why not give him the best fire pit ever created? I wrote about the Solo Stove in depth here, and since then they’ve launched a new pizza oven, grill and even grill tops for the various Solo Stove pits. We love ours and use it ALL THE TIME. Shout out to this tiny Campfire Solo Stove, too.

Robotic Vacuum: If your dad is like me, he likes a clean house and no work. This is the best robotic vacuum in the world according to Wirecutter. We run ours every night at 4 am and I wake up to clean floors… unless my children wake up before me and destroy the place, which is common.

Fishing Kayak: You’d easily win Father’s Day with this kayak. It’s huge, ships for free, and would let him drift out to the middle of the lake leaving you both in quiet solitude.

Sous Vide Cooker: Cooking vacuum-sealed food in precision-heated water is surprisingly fun and convenient. Also, shout out to the Sous Vide Sinker which is the best product in the market. (It just so happens to be my invention.)

Air-Popper: It’s surprising how few people use air-poppers. Microwaved popcorn is gross.

Indoor Vegetable Garden: Indoor gardens and grow lights are everywhere now. It’s absolutely a reality for him to convert a basement closet into a full on farm if you want to with very little setup or ongoing expense. Honestly, that sounds like a fun idea. I’ll be right back.

National Parks Membership: I’m at the stage of fatherhood where I desperately want to visit as many National Parks as possible, and I bet your dad can relate. You could wrap up some dope binoculars as the gift. Oh and check out this cool birding app I just found that identifies birds via their bird songs.

Happy Father’s Day y’all!

Mitch. OUT!

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